Love Scary Aliens but unsure what to get? Looking to rock the Scary Alien style for a sweet deal? Your search is over! The Scary Aliens Mystery Jewelry Pack Lucky Dip is here!
It comes in three spooky sizes:
💀Mini- $10💀
You will get:
🎀One (or more!) random Scary Aliens jewelry piece! It can be a barrette set, a necklace, a ribbon choker, or earrings
🌙Midi- $20🌙
You will get:
🎀One barrette set or earrings or bag charm
🎀One necklace or ribbon choker
👽Mega- $30👽
You will get:
🎀One barrette set or earrings or bag charm
🎀One necklace or ribbon choker
🎀One other jewelry item!
Please let me know if you have any exceptions, such as no pierced ears, or no 420-realted items!
See my store for an idea of some of the items you may receive and see my reviews for happy customers!
Check out ScaryAliens.etsy.com for more designs!